
We have a variety of weekly and monthly activities with discussion, social, practical or other focus. 

The following are held in the church building and you are welcome to join at any time (though the activities marked * do not usually run in January). 

  • First Sunday Forum - looks at a current political or social issue from a Christian perspective with input from a speaker followed by discussion - from 11.15am-noon on the 1st Sunday of each month.*

  • Taize Services (Currently not running)- Every Wednesday evening at the church from 6.30 to 7.15pm. Come and find a quiet place, meditate on the light in the darkness and in the music which is from the heart of our faith. Enter and leave in silence and enjoy a time of reflection. These services are open to everyone - come once or come weekly, it doesn`t matter.

  • Rainbow Lunch - company and conversation over a simple lunch (gold coin donation) - "it`s a great place to come to especially when you`re feeling isolated because of disability, mental health or whatever problems" - from noon-1.45pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.

  • Craft Group - people bring their favourite craft to work on as well as sharing in ideas, friendship and morning tea ($2 coin donation)- from 9.30am-noon on Wednesdays*

  • Coffee Group - an informal time for sharing, loving and encouraging each other over morning tea/coffee (gold coin donation goes to help school chaplaincy) - "a wonderful opportunity to be a human `being` not `doing`!"- from 10.15am-noon on Wednesdays.

  • Amnesty Letter Writing Group - We focus on letter writing, the core role of Amnesty since its inception in 1951, but seek also to educate and inform ourselves and those in our wider community.

    Other activities are held in other venues (you would need to ask where they are happening) such as:- 

    • With Love to the World Group - meets for BYO lunch and chat, bible study and discussion using the With Love to the World notes - from noon on the 1st Tuesday of each month.

    • Tea by the Sea - on Tuesdays in January, you are invited to bring a picnic tea to City Beach any time after 5.30pm to chat, relax and enjoy the sunset and the cool ocean breezes!